
Gentlemen's sailing (Andy 7/21/12-ish)

I can't emphasize enough how much more comfortable this race is than the last one. The boat is humming along nicely, the weather is warm, and the crew is doing a great job.

Last night we were fast. We flew our Asym all night long through some pretty good wind and then at first light we peeled to a .75 Ounce all purpose which looks alot like Capt'n America. Then we had a couple of gybes to try and miss the lulls that usually follow squalls. I don't think we had enough boat speed, and ended up getting hosed in a lull for a couple hours.

Due to the early morning maneuvers and some logistical issues, we missed our scheduled breakfast (breakfast burritos) and got an opportunity to finish off some of our leftovers of a bean-cheese-sun chips salad. It was fantastic and I'm looking forward to the breakfast burrito tomorrow.

So far, the only major incident was when our engine failed to start yesterdeay wen we tried to charge the batteries. It was a pretty tense 30 minutes of looking at the diesel and planning on how we were going to conserve electricity before Jimbo found the issue. It was a simple fix (the starter switch seems to only work some of the time.

We are back into some wind (bob and I each got our first 10's) and I'm about to take a nap. Hopefully we will chop some more miles off the competition.

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