
Ass over teacups

We just finished a minor little broach that started with a squall, followed by a massive humming noise as brainwaves accelerated to 14+m followed by a "take that 13.7" and and maniacal laughter. Then came the broach as brainwaves fell over. We were only down a couple of seconds as the vang and the mainsheet were released and we stood back up. Bob, who had just come off watch, and I, who wasn't sleeping anyway geared up and went on deck.

No damage. No Injuries. No Foul. Jimmy didn't even wake up.

I'm now down below ready to spring into action, with our 3 up 2 down but I think the plan is to just continue kicking ass and chewing up the miles. If we keep having trouble, we might switch to Nancy-boy, or put in a reef, or just sail deep for awhile.

Exciting stuff. Stay tuned.


  1. So someone has the new speed record, but can't claim the glory because they nearly rolled the boat! This is better than a Graham Greene novel! If only they were handsomer and had bigger biceps...

    1. Better than a graham Green novel maybe, but not better than a graham green.

  2. Great 24 hours guys! Well done
