
Santa Cruz to Santa Barbara

After 44 hours of rocking and rolling in 25-knot winds and 10-ft seas in our romping ride from Santa Cruz to Santa Barbara, we’re kicked back in beautiful Santa Barbara Harbor. Aaaah, gorgeous weather, good food, crazy pretty town.  Heartfelt thanks, especially from Deb, to Jens Jensen for his masterful hand at the helm in some very challenging conditions—and for his insistence, along with Jimbo’s , that it was fun. Met up today with friends Mark and Karen from Alameda and are looking forward to joining them soon at Channel Islands Harbor in Oxnard.   – Deb

And it was all fun, from the drizzle leaving Santa Cruz, to the Point Conception rounding, and the windless Santa Barbara Channel.  Highlights include-  lots of phosphorescence the first night out,  having an entire school (~15) of dolphins accompany us for about an hour while off of Purisma Point,  the awesome food (no real surprise- Deb was doing her magic in the galley),  not coming off a plane the entire trip around Point Conception and having Jens, a great friend and wonderful sailor, join us for the adventure.  – Jim


Word is Brainwaves is in Santa Barbara. Happy sailing!


Bon Voyage!

Updates from Brainwaves: Brainwaves left Alameda on November 8th (ish - I get my days mixed up sometimes so maybe was the 7th). As Deb put it "Cutting the dock lines, going out the Golden Gate, turning left, heading south." Today (11/10/14) in Santa Cruz. Planning to stay in SC and Monterey for a few days and wait for favorable weather for the long, challenging trip to Santa Barbara. Love you guys!